The Barnard Center for Toddler Development celebrated half a century of groundbreaking research — and new state-of-the-art digs — with parents, alumnae, and community members.
Barnard’s 38,000+ alumnae are forces to be reckoned with. Leaders in almost every field, these intrepid women have revolutionized healthcare, won Pulitzer Prizes, and made significant scientific discoveries.
— Sonia Taitz ’75
The Barnard Center for Toddler Development celebrated half a century of groundbreaking research — and new state-of-the-art digs — with parents, alumnae, and community members.
The festival returns to campus with an exciting lineup of events and screenings dedicated to elevating the stories of women’s leadership.
Winning the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award will allow the neuroscientist to substantially expand her research program and develop science outreach activities.
In her new role as Spelman College’s 11th president, the alumna continues to build on her success as a leader in global health to nurture the next generation of Black women.
Barnard has no shortage of women researchers who lead the way and open doors for other women.
Barnard welcomed the author to its annual Lewis-Ezekoye Distinguished Lectureship Series, where she discussed building better worlds.
On January 27, the College highlights alumnae activism that honors stories of liberation and survival.
The science of culinary skills, learning labs, and museum visits are part of the many exciting courses that will educate students this spring.
These are the standout times that made this year such a special one at the College.